Interview Tips Preparation |How To Prepare Or Face For Interview and more details here:Interview Are you intend to appear for any interviews in Top
Management, Middle Management and Junior Management positions in Marketing,
Finance, Insurance, , Railway Jobs, Bank Jobs, IT, Stock brokering, Software, Telecom, Government Jobs and other sectors.
Don’t know How to Face Interview?
Then here are some success interview tips to be put at your
finger tips before attending an Interview.
Interview is an exchange between two or more persons.
Interview is a job screening device. Interview skills are very important to
enter the job market as this is the most important component of job search. The
interviewer assesses the interviewee’s personality, his knowledge,
qualifications, skills, enthusiasm and accomplishments. A firm hand shake,
proper eye- contact and non verbal communication like a smile will help you to
gain quick receptivity before the interview panel.
Interview Tips Or Preparation :
The interviewee (Candidate) should be very well prepared,
physically and psychologically because it is not just his knowledge of a
particular subject, but his entire personality, which will be assessed.
preparation: The candidate must be well groomed with right dress for
this interview purpose. The candidate must be meticulous about neat hair style,
nails, foot wear, dressing etc. Take utmost care of your body language. Be
honest while answering questions related to information and knowledge as well
as personal qualities, attitude, work etc. Before leaving the room, you are
expected to shake hands only if you are offered, otherwise leave the room with
a “Thank You”.
Preparation: For preparing psychologically, good sleep during the day
before the interview is must. Reach the venue 10 minutes before the actual
time. This would help you to be in calm, tranquil and composed state of mind. Avoid
nervousness mannerism like twisting hair, clicking the pen or biting nails. I
can only say you one thing at this moment, “Every one is nervous, but the
person who learns to control these impelling forces within him and appear to be
calm, composed and collected will be the Genius”. Display the positive
After the interviewer is wrapped up, leave the room
gracefully with a pleasant smile after thanking the interviewers.
Do’s for the
Prepare answers for the questions you are likely
to be asked about your qualifications, achievements, your feelings about work
and school, your interests, your weak points, strength, hobbies etc.
Research the organization’s products, structure,
financial standing and prospects of growth before attending the interview.
Listen to interviewer carefully before
Answer questions quickly.
Be a good listener.
Present your achievements and accomplishments in
an orderly manner.
Shed your ego, fear and anxiety before entering
the interview room.
Don’ts for the Interview:
Never attend the interview without knowing the
company’s profile.
Be careful with your body language.
Don’t drag the chair when it is offered.
Don’t sit with folded hands in front of the
Interview panel.
Avoid cross legs posture after sitting.
Don’t enter the interviewer’s room wearing sun
glasses or eating chewing gum.
Never discuss the progress of your other job
interviews with the present interviewer
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